Conference of Foreign Ministers as part of the Berlin Process: Statement of the participants from the Western Balkans Six on enhancing cooperation ahead of the Berlin Process Summit
On the 10th anniversary of the Berlin Process, the participants from the Western Balkans Six have agreed on the following elements to deepen regional cooperation and advance the Common Regional Market and good neighbourly relations:
- A notable achievement is the Agreement on Access to Higher Education and Admission to Higher Studies in the Western Balkans. This agreement seeks to grant students the right to pursue studies at accredited higher education institutions and promotes student mobility and will be concluded at the Berlin Process Summit on 14 October 2024.
- The participants endorsed a declaration on Regional FDI Screening Standards for the Western Balkans Six. These standards aim at harmonising investment policies with EU standards and international best practices, thus making the region more attractive to foreign investors.
- A joint Declaration on Research and Innovation Infrastructure Access and Collaboration was agreed by the participants that will encourage research and innovation partnerships and facilitate a dynamic regional innovation ecosystem.
- Finally, the participants of the Western Balkan Six underline their dedication to regional cooperation in an agreed Joint Declaration on Reaffirming Good Neighbourly Relations and Regional Cooperation on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Berlin Process, with view to its endorsement at the Summit.
We look forward to using this positive momentum to continue focusing our efforts on advancing regional cooperation and accelerating EU integration. We hereby reconfirm our will to conclude the above-mentioned agreements and declarations by the Berlin Process Summit on 14 October 2024