
Federal Foreign Office on the situation in Gaza and Jerusalem

25.04.2021 - Press release

A German Foreign Office spokesperson commented today (25 April) on the situation in Gaza and Jerusalem:

The German Government condemns in the strongest possible terms the latest missile attacks from Gaza against the Israeli civilian population; they cannot be justified in any way and must stop immediately.

We are also observing with concern the violent clashes in Jerusalem. Level-headedness and efforts to bring about de-escalation must be the priorities now. All sides must do their part to de‑escalate the situation and not to leave the field open for those who use or call for violence. Only a political solution to the conflict will enable all Israelis and Palestinians to live in lasting peace and security.

Background information:

In recent days, around 40 missiles have been fired at Israel from Gaza. Jerusalem has seen repeated violent clashes over the past week.


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