Federal Foreign Minister Maas on Libya
Foreign Minister Maas issued the following statement today (10 March) on the Libyan parliament’s approval of the new transitional government:
Today is an important day for Libya. After years of conflict, the country’s parliament has cleared the way for the political process to go forward. The interim government has now assumend the critical task of organising free nationwide elections. The country must be reunited, and structures which uphold the rule of law must be established and reinforced.
A little over a year after the Berlin Conference on Libya, a key milestone has thus been reached. My thanks go to Prime Minister Sarraj, who has announced that there will be an orderly transition of power, and to the members of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, without whom it would not have been possible for the Libyan Cabinet to be approved by parliament today. I call on all Libyan decision-makers to follow the example of the Prime Minister and support the transition of power. International stakeholders, too, must now offer Libya constructive support as it takes its next steps. Germany will do its part and continue to actively support both Libya and the UN Special Envoy.