
Foreign Minister Maas on the latest developments in Libya

21.08.2020 - Press release

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following statement today (21 August) on the latest developments in Libya:

We warmly welcome the points of agreement in the declarations issued by Fayez al-Sarraj, Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya, and Aguila Saleh, Speaker of Parliament. This is a significant move towards a political solution to the deadlocked Libyan conflict. The declarations form a firm foundation for a lasting ceasefire. The Joint Military Commission (5+5) must now convene and implement this agreement. The prospect of ending the oil embargo and distributing oil revenues fairly will also give the people of Libya fresh hope.

I commend the parties for their willingness to compromise, without which this agreement would not stand. In my many talks in Tripoli and other capitals in recent days and weeks, I have strongly encouraged such a move. We call on all actors involved in the conflict to support and constructively assist in the implementation of the points agreed here.

We thank UNSMIL and Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General Stephanie Williams for their tireless efforts to build confidence between the two sides and their outstanding cooperation within the framework of the Berlin Process. We will continue to actively engage for a political solution to the conflict.


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