
More ambition and solidarity in climate policy: Foreign Minister Baerbock travels to Sharm el-Sheikh for COP27

Foreign Minister Baerbock at a the discussion Climate and Human Rights: Multiple Connections, Multiple Solutions at the German pavilion

Foreign Minister Baerbock at a the discussion Climate and Human Rights: Multiple Connections, Multiple Solutions” at the German pavilion, © Thomas Trutschel

18.11.2022 - Article

The international community is meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh to negotiate concrete steps for tackling the climate crisis. In the final phase of the negotiations, Foreign Minister Baerbock will take over as Germany’s chief negotiator.

For the German Government, containing the climate crisis is an absolute priority. At the 27th UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, it will campaign for ambitious climate targets and climate protection agreements.

COP27 – what’s on the agenda?

The objective is clear: discussions will focus on more ambitious emissions reduction targets, as well as greater solidarity with countries already now strongly affected by the climate crisis. Over the course of the two-week conference, government representatives from 197 countries are negotiating a concrete work programme to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to define ambitious national reduction targets. In addition to the multilateral negotiations, there will be bilateral talks and agreements, with the overall aim being to drive forward the global energy transition.

Moreover, participants will discuss specific steps for mitigating climate change, as well as how countries can better protect themselves against the consequences of the climate crisis. Because people in poorer countries are being most severely affected, while rich industrialised countries are responsible for a major share of emissions, the latter have committed to increasing their financial contributions for climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. This, too, will be an important topic at COP27. Another focus will be how the international community can provide compensation in a spirit of solidarity for losses and damage brought about by the climate crisis.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock made the following statement prior to her departure to attend COP27:

The UN Climate Change Conference is the only global forum we have on our planet for agreeing joint responses to the climate crisis. The freedom of future generations is at stake. Because they are the ones who will feel the effects of our inaction if we do not act now.

Joining forces for greater climate protection

Special Envoy for International Climate Action Jennifer Morgan at the COP27
Special Envoy for International Climate Action Jennifer Morgan at the COP27© Thomas Imo/photothek.net

At the climate conference, the German Government will work to accelerate efforts to expand the use of renewables and to shift away from fossil fuels. This specifically means reducing dependence on fossil fuels and assisting poorer countries in transitioning to sustainable energy sources in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C. More funding should also be made available for adaptation to climate change and its consequences.

Civil society plays a special role when it comes to implementing the climate targets. The German Government will therefore also make available Germany’s COP27 pavilion for events involving civil society actors, with a particular focus being on human rights.

State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Action Jennifer Morgan has been involved in the climate negotiations at COP27 from day one on behalf of the German Government. The Federal Foreign Office is also represented at COP27 by Minister of State for Europe and Climate Anna Lührmann.​​​​​​​


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