
Structural change, innovation and multilateralism: Foreign Minister Maas travels to the United States

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas travels to the US.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas travels to the US., © Xander Heinl/photothek.de

14.07.2021 - Article

Foreign Minister Maas departed for a trip to the United States on Tuesday. The first stop in Michigan focused on structural change and globalisation. His second port of call is New York, where Foreign Minister Maas will highlight Germany’s multilateral engagement.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Berlin just three weeks ago. Since President Biden took office, the US administration has placed renewed importance on transatlantic cooperation. In the face of cross-border challenges relating to the economy, climate change and above all the pandemic, this is more vital than ever – particularly with regard to our societies, which form the foundation of this cooperation.

The first stop of the trip in Michigan focused on structural change and globalisation. A visit to vaccine producer Pfizer was also on the itinerary. Before departing for Rapid Falls, the Foreign Minister said:

We are witnessing today in Michigan what German-US cooperation can achieve. Transatlantic economic structures, collective innovative power when it comes to developing vaccines – all of this makes a vital contribution to achieving tangible progress in the fight against the pandemic. The concept of globalisation will only win people over and gain their acceptance when the advantages become clear to those involved. That is the case here.

Foreign Minister Maas then travelled on to Detroit, the country’s Motor City. Detroit is the perfect example of an industrial city which is having to reinvent itself – and succeeding. During his tour of a Ford car manufacturing facility, the focus was also on how the automotive industry is responding to the imminent upheaval heralded by the rise of e‑mobility as well as how global supply chains can be maintained and defended against protectionism.

Multilateral engagement and support for the UN

The second part of the trip in New York is primarily focused on Germany’s multilateral engagement and its support for the United Nations. On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Maas will therefore meet Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres and, among other things, take part in a forum for sustainable development in the area of women, peace and security. Thursday will then, once again, be devoted to a lasting peace settlement for Libya. Foreign Minister Maas will brief the UN Security Council on the outcome of the Second Berlin Conference on Libya held on 23 June. The Security Council will also hold discussions on how the international community can best support the holding of elections as well as the withdrawal of all foreign mercenaries and fighters from the country. Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah and Special Envoy for Libya Ján Kubiš will also attend the session. Foreign Minister Maas will hold discussions with both Dbeibah and Kubiš.


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