
Moving forward on a peaceful solution for Libya: Foreign Ministers of the International Follow-Up Committee to meet today in Munich

Moving forward on a peaceful solution for Libya: Meeting on the fringes of the Munich Security Conference, © Xander Heinl/photothek.net

16.02.2020 - Article

In January the Berlin Libya Conference decided on a framework for a peaceful solution in which the end of external interference and a stable ceasefire play a central role. Today’s follow-up meeting is about implementing these decisions and agreeing further steps.

The Foreign Ministers of the International Follow-Up Committee of the international Berlin Libya Conference are meeting in Munich today to continue the process of implementing the decisions taken in Berlin on 19 January with the aim of finding a peaceful solution in Libya.

An end to external interference is crucial for peace

With the Berlin process on Libya, the Federal Government is supporting the work of UN Special Representative Ghassan Salamé. In line with his plans for a political process leading to peace, the first step must be an end to external interference and military support. The aim is to persuade the parties to the conflict to end the hostilities and participate in a peace process under the auspices of the UN.

Berlin Conclusions must now be implemented

Hoping to move a step closer to that goal, the Federal Government hosted a conference on Libya in Berlin on 19 January. Following intensive negotiations, the participants managed to agree on a 55-point paper, committing themselves expressly not to interfere in the armed conflict in Libya and to support the work of the UN Special Representative.

The Berlin Conclusions in detail

In order to implement and monitor a lasting ceasefire, a Joint Military Commission is being established; this will also work towards the separation of forces and implement confidence-building measures between the parties to the conflict.

UN Security Council endorses Berlin package of measures for Libya

In Resolution 2510 of 12 February 2020, the United Nations Security Council emphatically endorsed the Conclusions of the Berlin Conference and called on all parties involved to implement them speedily, in particular the agreed ceasefire and the commitment to refrain from interference in Libya. Further, the Security Council recognised the important role of regional organisations such as the EU, the Arab League and the African Union in bringing about a peaceful solution.

Foreign Minister Maas opens follow-up conference in Munich

As a first step in the process of implementation, the Follow-Up Committee of the Berlin Libya Conference is meeting today in Munich. The meeting will be opened by Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Stephanie Williams, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary‑General for Political Affairs in Libya. The participants include the Foreign Ministers of the countries which took part in the Berlin Libya Conference and other actors who want to help bring peace and stability to Libya. This kick‑off meeting in Munich is to be followed by other meetings, for instance of the military committee set up to observe the ceasefire in Libya, aimed at carrying the peace process further Forwards.


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