
Support for Yemen

International donors and the UN discuss their support for Yemen in Berlin, © Florian Gaertner/photothek.net

13.09.2019 - Article

The war in Yemen continues to rage unabated. Germany is supporting the UN’s efforts to reduce the suffering of the population and to create scope for a peace process.

Facilitating the peace process through Stabilisation

Peace processes meet with success if they are accompanied by tangible and swift improvements in the living conditions of the population and offer positive incentives. In January 2019, Germany and the UN initiated the Peace Support Facility for Yemen in order to accompany the implementation of the agreements reached in Stockholm and, in the longer term, further outcomes of negotiations. The implementation of the agreements reached in Stockholm has stalled, however. The Facility’s supporters met in Berlin on 13 September to look at ways to continue this process nevertheless, discussing the future direction of the fund. In the run‑up to the meeting, Foreign Minister Maas welcomed the dialogue with the partners: “It is important for the political process to continue. Stockholm was intended to open doors. The task at hand now is to implement and build on these agreements.”

Preventing a humanitarian catastrophe

More than 24 million people in Yemen are dependent on humanitarian assistance. The war has taken the country to the brink of a humanitarian disaster. Yemen has the third‑highest rate of malnutrition in the world. One of the biggest challenges for the UN is that it does not have sufficient funding. The funds available to it are just enough to cover one third of the projected requirement, which means that many aid deliveries are at risk of being discontinued in October. Following talks with UN Humanitarian Coordinator Lise Grande and UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths, Foreign Minister Maas called on all donors to live up to their aid commitments and international obligations. The Federal Foreign Office has already provided funds totalling 120 million euros in 2019.


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