German missions in the Dominican Republic
Edificio EQUINOX, pisos 5 y 6, Avenida Núñez de Cáceres No. 11 (e/ Sarasota y Rómulo Betancourt), Santo Domingo, Dominikanische Republik
Postal address
Embajada de la República Federal de Alemania, Apartado 1235, Santo Domingo, Dominikanische Republik.
Administrative / consular district
Dominikanische Republik. In Rechts- und Konsularangelegenheiten ist die Botschaft auch für Haiti zuständig.
Official Language in the host country: Spanish.
Attention: Contact via satellite telephone or fax (Satcom) might incur higher costs.
Note on barrier-free access
Information about accessibility
The Embassy supports people with disabilities and makes every effort to facilitate access to employees within the building confines.
The main entrance to the building is accessible. From the street it can be accessed mainly via a paved walkway with a relatively steep incline.
The Embassy has a visitor parking lot in close proximity to the Embassy for special cases and upon advance notification.
All access-control doors and other doors are sufficiently wide, but do not have automatic door controls.
The Embassy and the waiting room in the temporary space of the consular and legal section are accessible via elevators.
Some of the Embassy’s toilets are suitable for persons with disabilities.
Escalators are not equipped with Braille. Also there is no structural or technical support for blind or visually impaired people.
For inquiries or any support needed please contact us.