
Germany supporting China in the fight against the coronavirus

A second flight with aid supplies for China took off from Frankfurt am Main today (18 February)., © time:matters/Lufthansa Cargo

18.02.2020 - Article

A second flight with urgently needed protective equipment and other aid supplies from Germany is on its way to China today. Germany stands by China’s side in the fight against the coronavirus and wants to provide concrete help for those affected, stressed Foreign Minister Maas.

A second flight with aid supplies for the areas in China affected by the coronavirus took off from Frankfurt am Main today (18 February). With the continued spread of the illness and the rising number of infected persons, there is a growing need for protective equipment and disinfection material and China is now facing a shortage.

Federal Foreign Office organising the transport of protective equipment and other material

In order to help China combat the epidemic, the German Red Cross and the Red Cross in Saxony, as well as the companies Beiersdorf and Scholz Recycling, have made available a total of 8.7 tonnes of aid supplies worth more than 150,000 euros. The Federal Foreign Office is organising and funding the transport to Shanghai in close consultation with the Chinese authorities, so that as soon as the goods arrive they can be distributed quickly to the areas where they are most urgently needed. The supplies will then be handed over in China to the Chinese Red Cross and other relief organisations and transported to the infected areas.

Germany stands firmly at China’s side in fighting the coronavirus, stresses Foreign Minister Maas; thanks to donors for their generosity

“Germany stands firmly at China’s side in fighting the coronavirus epidemic and is working closely and in a spirit of trust with the Chinese authorities”, stated Foreign Minister Maas before the flight, expressing his sincere thanks to the donors who have made it possible to deliver this equipment swiftly and without any red tape.


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