Germany and Albania: Bilateral relations
The Federal Republic of Germany and Albania have maintained bilateral relations since 2 October 1987. Relations between the two countries are close and characterised by a spirit of partnership.
Germany is supporting Albania as it carries out reforms aimed at strengthening democracy, human rights, freedom of the press and the rule of law, also in the form of funding from the Stability Pact established for the Western Balkans. The German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) implemented the EU project “Consolidation of the Justice System in Albania” (EURALIUS) in conjunction with partner institutions. As a key partner country, Germany is providing support for Albania in the sphere of development cooperation. The priority fields are the drinking water supply, sewage and waste management, eco-friendly energy as well as sustainable and socially compatible economic development, including vocational training. Since 1988, Germany made available 1.2 billion euro to Albania for financial and technical cooperation as well as 9 million euro for technical cooperation. GIZ and KfW are operating in Albania.
Germany is Albania’s fourth largest trading partner. The volume of trade in 2021 amounted to 456.1 million euro. Of this total, imports from Germany accounted for 307.2 million euro and exports to Germany 148.85 million euro. The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Albania has 83 members, including Albanian, German and Austrian companies. German companies are mainly operating in the trade and logistics branches. The cultural agreement between Germany and Albania entered into force in March 2019. Every year, the German Embassy in Tirana and partner organisations stage the German October, with more than 30 events taking place around the country. The Goethe-Zentrum Tirana offers German courses and organises cultural events. German is taught as a foreign language at seven schools participating in the Schools: Partners for the Future initiative (PASCH). Three teachers from the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) are teaching at schools in Tirana. In 2020, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provided funding for 40 students and academics from Albania to study and research in Germany. There are a DAAD lecturer and a DAAD language assistant in the German department at the University of Tirana. In 2020/21, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) funded cooperation projects between German and Albanian higher education institutions.
The war graves agreement between Germany and Albania entered into force in January 1995.
Information about German development cooperation with Albania can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.