Foreign Minister Baerbock travelling to Brussels: Coordination with NATO, G7 and the EU

Foreign Minister Baerbock in Brussels with her colleagues from France, the USA and Canada and the Secretary General of the NATO, © picture alliance / Flashpic
Russia’s continuing war of aggression against Ukraine remains right at the top of the international community’s agenda. Today Foreign Minister Baerbock will chair a G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Brussels.
Following the clear and unequivocal condemnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine by a historic majority of states in the UN General Assembly in New York on Wednesday, today all eyes are on the crisis diplomacy taking place in Brussels. European and transatlantic partners will be discussing the security situation in Europe.
Germany holds the Presidency of the G7 this year. Foreign Minister Baerbock has convened a meeting of G7 Foreign Ministers in Brussels today. Before that, the 30 NATO Foreign Ministers will meet at NATO Headquarters in Brussels at the invitation of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. In the afternoon, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, has convened a special meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers.
G7 special meeting convened by Foreign Minister Baerbock
The aim of today’s G7 Foreign Ministers meeting, chaired by Foreign Minister Baerbock, is to ensure close coordination among close partners, for example on the sanctions against Russia and their effectiveness to date, as well as on further humanitarian assistance in the light of the worsening humanitarian situation. The Ministers will also use the G7 platform to agree further diplomatic approaches in the crisis. For example, the coordinated diplomatic efforts prior to the UN General Assembly vote were key to the overwhelming result.
Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers
The 30 NATO Foreign Ministers will above all be aligning their situational analyses of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. In the past few days, NATO has taken important decisions, for instance to activate its defence plans and to move material and German soldiers to eastern Alliance territory. The aim is to ensure that Alliance territory remains secure even in the new situation. The Foreign Ministers will once again commit very clearly to the principle of collective defence enshrined in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. Finland, Sweden and the EU will also attend the meeting as close partners of NATO.
EU united at the side of Ukraine – Extraordinary Foreign Affairs Council
In the afternoon, the 27 EU Foreign Ministers will meet to continue the close coordination within the EU that has been ongoing over recent days: this is the fifth meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in the past two weeks. At today’s meeting there are also plans for a discussion with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba. In order to continue the close, broad-based Euro-Atlantic coordination, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly, UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will participate in the Extraordinary Foreign Affairs Council.
The EU stands firmly shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine. It responded quickly and resolutely with three massive sanctions packages; to help Ukraine defend itself, it will at short notice provide lethal equipment such as anti-tank weapons, ammunition and other military equipment, as well as non-lethal equipment such as helmets and personal protective equipment. In addition, the EU stands by its pledge to provide refuge and take in all people fleeing the war and violence in Ukraine swiftly and without bureaucratic hurdles.