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Gemeinsames Statement zu Ukraine-Beratungen im Auswärtigen Amt

06.03.2015 - Pressemitteilung

Die Ukraine-Beratungen hoher Beamter im Normandie-Format im Auswärtigen Amt in Berlin wurden soeben beendet.

Die Vertreter Deutschlands, Frankreichs, Russlands und der Ukraine sowie die OSZE haben nach ihren Beratungen folgendes Statement verabschiedet:

Political Directors/Deputy Foreign Ministers of the Normandy Format, at their first meeting of the Minsk oversight mechanism, met March 6th in Berlin to discuss the implementation of the Minsk Package, in particular the current situation on the ground, the necessary conditions and technical equipment needed by the OSCE to effectively monitor and verify the implementation of the cease-fire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons as well as launching the political process agreed in the Minsk Package. The OSCE was represented by the OSCE CiO’s special envoy to the Ukraine, Ambassador Tagliavini, and the Head of the OSCE-SMM, Ambassador Apakan.

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